The UX field is expanding at such a rapid rate, and with this expansion comes a variety of different specialties that branch out from UX and other design disciplines.
User experience is so confusing because the term can take on many different definitions even within the UX community.
The concept of user experience is also used in many industries, including software design, website design, app design, and more.
User Experience (UX) design is the process the design team uses to create products that provide meaningful and relevant experiences to users. It involves the design of the entire process of acquiring and integrating the product, including aspects of branding, design, usability, and function.
The Three(3) Disciplines of User Experience (UX):
Interaction design comes from the academic discipline of human-computer interaction.
Interaction design is the design of interactive products and services in which a designer’s attention goes beyond the item in development to include the way users interact with it.
It defines the structure and behavior of interactive products and services and user interactions with those products and services.
An interaction designer figures out the user’s goals and then decides what tools the users need to quickly and easily achieve their goals.
Information architecture is the practice of deciding how to organize the parts of something in an understandable way.
The origins of Information architecture lie in library sciences and is defined as “the art and science of organizing and labeling websites, intranets, online communities and software to support usability” by the IA institute
Typically, an information architect will help you reorganize, categorize, and label information into a structured user that is easy to understand.
A better way to explain it is provided by Christina Wodke: “You know when you’re on a website and you see a bunch of navigation options to click on? I’m the one who decided what options What are they called, and where do they take you when you click”
Usability testing or Usability engineering is “a discipline that provides structured methods for achieving utility in user interface design during product development” according to Deborah Mayhew in her excellent book The Usability Engineering Lifecycle
Usability engineering is a professional discipline that focuses on improving the usability of interactive systems.
It provides structured ways to achieve efficiency and elegance in interface design.
Usability engineering also has its roots in human-computer interaction and is an important tool to ensure that a website meets the needs and expectations of its users.
According to Jakob Nielsen, the three main activities in usability testing are “get representative customers, ask them to perform realistic actions, and be quiet and let them talk”.
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